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Afholdes onsdag den 6. dec. 2023, kl. 15.30 på Københavns Universitet, Søndre Campus.
London 28-29 July, 2024
The University of Jena has launched an online platform for studies in romanticism.
The 20th international conference of the Gesellschaft für englische Romantik (Society for
English Romanticism) will be hosted by the English…
The Nordic Association for the Study of Romanticisms (NARS) will host a major…
Podcast: Vi elsker eksperter!
The organizers of NASSR 2023 invite proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and other innovative presentation formats on the theme of “Romanticism…
Schelling und die Dänen – die Dänen und Schelling, 1-3 June, 2022
Ulla-Britta Lagerroth
A workshop on European culture transfer around 1800.
All are welcome online.
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